
Readsters’ products help students become better readers. They ensure that students develop the basic skills required by strong readers, strengthen targeted weaknesses, and exchange poor reading habits for good reading habits.

Readsters offers the following products:

Phonics Plug-In ONE

Phonics Plug-In ONE is explicit, systematic, sequential, multi-sensory phonics instruction in basic phonics, with phonemic awareness and high frequency words, for beginning readers and for older struggling readers.
Click here for more.


Phonics Plug-In TWO

Phonics Plug-In TWO continues the explicit, systematic, sequential, multi-sensory small group phonics instruction for beginning readers and for older struggling readers who started in Phonics Plug-In ONE.
Click here for more.

Phonics Plug-In TWO logo

Practice Packets

The Downloadable Practice Packets fix common letter (b-d, m-n, p-q, etc.) and word (was-saw, were-where, how-now, etc.) confusions.
Click here for more.

Letter Tiles

The Basic Letter Tile Set is magnetic letter tiles, colored tiles and dry-erase workspace in a compact, one piece case.
Click here for more.